24 July 2014
Conducted by Tanya Monro, Director of IPAS at the University of Adelaide, and colleagues. Grant writing is one of the most important parts of moving towards developing and advancing your research career. Be the grant…
9 April 2014 - 12 April 2014
These workshops are open to teachers, students and the public for a nominal fee of $10: pre-registration required by contacting Robotics Tasmania ( The main purpose of these workshops is to help people with minimal…
2 April 2014 - 11 April 2014
The Science and Engineering Challenge is a nationwide outreach program designed to inspire students to study science and engineering at a senior level. Each day students from all over Tasmania will participate in a range of exciting…
1 January 2014 - 10 February 2014
Play, learn, discover, experience, enjoy! A Discovery Ranger will be available and will offer free fun and educational activities at the following locations: Arthur-Pieman Mt William/ North East reserves Bay of Fires/St Helens Cradle Mountain…
10 December 2013
This is an online live-streamed event. This panel discussion, moderated by freelance science journalist Rod Taylor, will be an opportunity for students, educators, lecturers and distance learners to hear about the opportunities and challenges of Massive…
21 September 2013
World Parks Day is an open invitation to all to take time out and enjoy the magnificent natural environment that Tasmania is renowned for. Tasmania Parks and Wildlife service is offering free entry on the…
2 August 2013 - 11 August 2013
Australian Engineering Week (AEW) is fast approaching. This year the launch is to be held on Friday 2 August at the UTAS Launceston Campus at 12.30 pm. The launch will include an industry forum, with…
1 May 2013 - 5 July 2013
Seeing Stars is a celebration of art and astronomy inspired by the world’s largest telescope – the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) which will be co-hosted here in Australia! Using the inspiration of the SKA, artists…