20 August 2019
Want a winning edge or perhaps you are intrigued and want to find out what GovHack is all about? The local GovHack team will give you an overview of the competition and answer any questions…
20 August 2019
Have you ever wondered how your passion for science, wildlife, and trudging through the bush can help save patches of forest? Are you a data expert, have GIS skills, or a knack for report writing?…
16 August 2019 - 17 August 2019
BeakerStreet@TMAG is a pop-up science bar, a parlour of curiosities, an inn for inquiring minds. Come along to quench your thirst… for knowledge. You will encounter entrancing live music, zoological oddities, photographic inspiration, amiable wandering scientists, seriously good food and…
12 August 2019 - 13 September 2019
Science will be part of the solution to every problem in the 21st century – and it will continue to illuminate humanity and humanity’s place in the universe. This exhibition involves an appreciation of the…
11 August 2019
Join four University of Tasmania PhD candidates as they present their research in this special event. Microbiome: The new clinical frontier Ravichandra Vemuri’s project is a collaboration between the UTAS, CSIRO (Brisbane), and UAS labs…
10 August 2019
A fun event for all Tasmanians, the Festival of Bright ideas showcases science, tech, engineering, maths, arts, and more. Come see, play, eat, drink, and interact! Visit FOBI online to find out more, or to…
6 August 2019
Dr Helen Maynard-Casey, a physicist from ANSTO, has been awarded the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) Women in Physics (WiP) lectureship this year. From the shape of a virus and how a drug can disable it, to…
2 August 2019 - 30 August 2019
A celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the moon landing bought to you by Artist Run Scientific Exploration; A.R.S.E. We hold the future in our memory and our imagination. Few moments in human history have…
North West
1 August 2019 - 3 August 2019
Tasmania has some of the cleanest and clearest skies in the world. It just stands to reason that we celebrate our location with a festival of astronomy. Spanning the 40th to the 44th parallel, Tasmania…
1 August 2019 - 31 August 2019
All across Tasmania, we celebrate National Science Week every August. Technically it’s 10-18 August but we just can’t contain all the events on the Apple Isle in just one week. So welcome to Science Month!…
31 July 2019
Hear from three University of Tasmania alumni about their life after University. There will be a welcome address by the Chancellor, The Honourable Michael Field AC. Complimentary drinks and canapés will be provided afterwards to enable…
28 July 2019
While microalgal blooms are natural phenomena, since the 1980s their impacts on public health, tourism and fisheries have increased in frequency, intensity and geographic distribution. Environmental agencies and aquaculture are increasingly forced to invest in…