5 October 2013
Celebrate the start of daylight savings by enjoying the last night of darkness to count the animals in the Catarct Gorge Reserve. Join us for a short walk around the basin and discover some of…
26 September 2013
Where else are you going to ge the chance to watch some edgy documentaries on the big screen that are going to challenge the way you think about the BIG BLUE? Right here at the…
22 September 2013
An insect club for children, teens, adults and seniors focusing on the amazing diversity of bees and wasps, ants, spiders, butterflies and moths, beetles and bugs. A rangew of activities and information sessions will be…
22 September 2013
A Royal Society of Tasmania presentation by Mrs Jane Hall-Dadson.
22 September 2013
Jane Hall-Dadson, Advanced Skills Teacher Mathematics Learning Area at Launceston College, will present this lecture as part of the Royal Society of Tasmania Launceston Lecture Series. Good teaching requires a solid curriculum, engaging activities with relevance to…
20 August 2013
Professor Elisabetta Barberio, from the University of Melbourne, presents the AIP Women in Physics Lecturer for 2013. The understanding of our universe, from the largest to the smallest, has progressed significantly in recent decades. Large,…
16 August 2013
Here Be Dragons is a free 40 minute video introduction to critical thinking. It is suitable for general audiences and is licensed for free distribution and public display. Most people fully accept paranormal and pseudoscientific claims…
14 August 2013 - 17 August 2013
With a sea of information coming at us from all directions, how do we sift out the misinformation and bogus claims, and get to the truth? Our aim is to promote science to the broader community by offering…
9 August 2013
2013 Arthur Cobbold Memorial Lecture Professor Kim Rainsford, Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Sciences Sheffield Hallam University UK, will deliver the Arthur Cobbold Memorial Lecture this August: “Pain, Pills and Ageing.” The lecture will chaired byUniversity…
28 July 2013
A Royal Society of Tasmania presentation by Professor Don Chalmers.
5 July 2013 - 9 July 2013
SoS, which stands for Students of Sustainability, is a five day camping conference for anyone interested in creating a more ecologically & socially sustainable world. SoS is the primary national environmental conference for students. Each year…
1 July 2013
Life Beyond Earth is the theme of this year’s Dare Shott Public Lecture. Professor of Sensor Informatics at the University of Tasmania Paulo de Souza will share his knowledge of the exploration of Mars and…