4 October 2016
The Royal Society of Tasmania extends a warm invitation to its annual Postgraduate Students’ Evening where fourteen Tasmanian postgrad students will each present a three-minute summary of their research and key findings. Audience members will have…
4 October 2016 - 5 October 2016
***Due to low booking numbers, this event has been cancelled* A special opportunity exists for students in years 8-10 to participate in a two day science ‘boot camp’ conducted by CSIRO. This is a unique chance…
16 September 2016
Australian Values? How to shift our cultural values for a more equitable and sustainable world Guest Presenter: Mark Chenery, Common Cause Australia A growing body of research in the fields of psychology, cognitive science, linguistics…
12 September 2016
Kitchen Chemistry – the science in your food! Monday 12 September, 6:00pm Chemistry Building, University of Tasmania (Dobson Rd, Sandy Bay) Presented by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (Tasmanian Branch) Suitable for ages 11 &…
8 September 2016 - 11 September 2016
With a series of exhibitions, open days, school excursions, entertainments and lectures, Antarctica comes to you over four action packed days! Get a fascinating look at what Aussies get up to in the coldest, highest, driest and windiest…
6 September 2016
“In recent times, 27 Tasmanian species are listed as having gone extinct. Threatened Species Day (7 September 2016) marks the 80th year since the last known thylacine died. It’s a time to reflect on why…
2 September 2016 - 3 September 2016
A festival of science in nature – an effort by the community, working with scientists and naturalists, to discover and record as many living things as possible within each site for the set period. We’ll…
1 September 2016 - 18 November 2016
Spring is finally here! What better way is there to celebrate the change of season, than by getting into a Bush Adventure? This Spring Bush Adventures will be joining The Bookend Trust, TMAG, Hobart City Council…
15 August 2016
Reflections on a Career in Astrophysics From growing up on Tasmania’s north west coast to living in Antarctica, Dr. Jules Harnett has had an incredible journey throughout her professional career as an astrophysicist. She has…
5 August 2016
Science in the Pub brings together a panel of experts (with a knack for communicating their knowledge in a fun and engaging way) with us- folks interested in learning and thinking critically about hot topics…
2 August 2016
In 1832, British Quakers James Backhouse and George Washington Walker pursued the face of supposed antipodean ‘slavery’ in the Bass Strait, as part of their nine-year multireform journey sponsored by the Religious Society of Friends.…
28 July 2016
The Forest Practices Authority invites you to the launch of two brand new publications. Tree Hollows in Tasmania introduces you to the formation and utility of hollows, explains how to find them, what types of…