3 December 2020
The State of the Climate 2020 Report shows that Australia’s climate continues to warm. There has been an increase in extreme heat events, fire weather and marine heatwaves. The Report, released every two years by CSIRO and…
3 December 2020
Although the 2020 Australian Energy Rating Conference has been delayed the industry forges ahead… You are invited to the 5th Australian Energy Rating Webcast. A person’s home is their castle. Just like Darryl Kerrigan from…
30 November 2020
Are you currently working in the maritime industry and looking to upgrade or diversify your skills and career opportunities? Join experts from the Australian Maritime College and find out about our postgraduate maritime engineering programs…
30 November 2020
“Retrosuburbia” outlines permaculture co-founder David Holmgren’s vision for more sustainable, productive and vibrant suburbs. In this introduction, get an overview of the manual and discuss possibilities for our local neighbourhoods. Consider being part of a…
29 November 2020 - 10 January 2021
As part of the Summer of Sci-Fi you can enjoy FREE sci-fi film screenings on Sundays at 1pm covering some of the top cult-classic sci-fi films to date. Think time travel, parallel universes, space missions…
26 November 2020
Antarctica may be more closely associated with penguins than people, but each year over 50,000 tourists head to Antarctica to experience the southern continent first hand. Dr Hanne Nielsen from the Institute for Marine and…
26 November 2020
A very basic introduction to using Apple’s fun, easy to learn Swift Playgrounds app to learn the basics of coding. For ages 8 – 12 years.
25 November 2020
We are all familiar with heatwaves in the atmosphere – right? We know them as extreme hot air temperatures that last for at least a few days and which can cause serious heat stress to…
20 November 2020
Topic: Diversity in research – how to engage female researchers in the Post COVID-19 environment This webinar aims to showcase Australian and Japanese policies and initiatives in Women in STEM by facilitating discussion between Australian…
19 November 2020
Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) virtual event Join host, Seth Westhead (ASSETS Mentor and Health Researcher), to hear from ASSETS alumni, parents, teachers, program partners, STEM professionals and others about…
13 November 2020
The 8th. Annual ICT Tasmanian Conference & Innovation Exhibition is proudly supported by the Tasmanian Government. This year’s conference will feature two session streams, each with an interesting and engaging line up of speakers and…
11 November 2020
Batteries have been playing a crucial role, either by enhancing or even enabling many of NASA’s space missions. Dr. Ratnakumar Bugga, Principal Technologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology will discuss the history…