25 February 2021
Flies, beetles, and wasps, oh my! Discover what goes on behind the scenes at the Australian National Insect Collection and see the world class facilities from the comfort of your home. Entomologist Juanita Rodriguez will…
15 December 2020
The Royal Society of Tasmania is launching its latest book – “Australian Mineral Discoverers”. Mineral discoveries in the 1950 to 2000 period have been the backbone of wealth creation for all Australians and helped to…
11 December 2020
Panellists reflect on how architecture can expand inclusivity, engage communities and create sustainable futures.
9 December 2020
Eminent experts from Australia and India will discuss the changes in materials management and energy provision that will underpin prosperity in the future and highlight technical opportunities, business models and market needs.
3 December 2020
Although the 2020 Australian Energy Rating Conference has been delayed the industry forges ahead… You are invited to the 5th Australian Energy Rating Webcast. A person’s home is their castle. Just like Darryl Kerrigan from…
30 November 2020
Are you currently working in the maritime industry and looking to upgrade or diversify your skills and career opportunities? Join experts from the Australian Maritime College and find out about our postgraduate maritime engineering programs…
19 November 2020
Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS) virtual event Join host, Seth Westhead (ASSETS Mentor and Health Researcher), to hear from ASSETS alumni, parents, teachers, program partners, STEM professionals and others about…
11 November 2020
Batteries have been playing a crucial role, either by enhancing or even enabling many of NASA’s space missions. Dr. Ratnakumar Bugga, Principal Technologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology will discuss the history…
8 November 2020
Many of us know what animals eat krill, but what do krill eat and what makes them so nutritious? And how is ocean acidification, caused by climate change, affecting these vital creatures?
4 November 2020
To celebrate 10 years of sharing Australia’s unique biota, join the Atlas of Living Australia for three talks from leading scientists in evolutionary and taxonomic research. From spiders to orchids to reptiles, come along to…
29 October 2020
COSMIC RELIEF Live Webinars with Fred Watson. In an international emergency like the present one, you might expect the science of the stars to be the last thing on people’s minds. The problems facing both…
20 October 2020
Former Greens leader Christine Milne chairs a panel of our experts on the systemic changes required to protect lives and livelihoods. Presenters Distinguished Professor Rob White, Criminology Dr Kate Booth, Human Geography Dr Vishnu Prahalad,…