Past Events

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TreadLightly EnviroFest


21 April 2013

Live life with a small footprint Guest presenters Tino Carnevale, Paul Healy and Marcus Ragus + many more PowerCom stage with bands, talks and entertainment. Speaking Forum with engaging hands on workshops to help you…

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Science Engagement in Tasmania


17 April 2013 - 18 April 2013

 This is your chance to find out all about science engagement and science communication in Tasmania and to contribute your ideas and experience. Come and hear about developments at a national and state level, network…

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Science and Engineering Challenge, South heats,Tasmania


16 April 2013 - 18 April 2013

Tasmanian Science and Engineering Challenge 2013 The Science and Engineering Challenge is an outreach program heading into its ninth year in Tasmania.  Students will engage in a number of fun and competitive activities  involving principles…

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Fascinating life-stories of pulsars


16 April 2013

Professor Avinash Deshpande Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India Pulsars are believed to be strongly magnetized, fast rotating neutron stars with over 2000 discovered in our Galaxy so far. In the long march towards the elucidation…

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Bookend Trust- Thailand Film Premiere


11 April 2013

In February this year five students went on the adventure of a lifetime to northern Thailand. Transported from Triabunna and Ulverstone these students experienced life at Monsaengdao Ecological School and came to know the girls…

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High Tea and Tour of the CSIRO Tasmania


4 April 2013

Women in Engineering has organised an event for Science, Engineering and Technology professionals to facilitate networking with each other, and also students from these fields, over a cuppa and some cake. The afternoon will comprise…

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Bat Night


27 March 2013

Local bat expert Lisa Cawthen will talk about bats, their role in our forests and how you can help. The talk will be followed by an evening walk to discover what bats are in our…

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Miellerie Tour and Honey Tasting


25 March 2013

Join us on a tour of Miellerie, lead by aparist Yves Ginat, who produces a variety of award winning honeys based on the native flowers of Tasmania. Yves will discuss the basics of beekeeping and…

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The Accelerating Universe with Nobel laureate Prof Brian Schmidt


23 March 2013

  Nobel laureate for Physics, Professor Brian Schmist presents “The Accelerating Universe”. In 1998 two teams traced back the expansion of the universe over billions of years and discovered that it was accelerating, a startling…

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Bat Information Evening


21 March 2013

UTAS PhD student Lisa Cawthen (and bat expert!) will be giving a short talk on Tasmanian bats with a focus on bat rescue and care, followed by a short night walk around the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary.

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Tree breeding in Australia and China, comparisons and contrasts


20 March 2013

Dr Dean Williams will present a short talk entitled ‘Tree breeding in Australia and China, comparisons and contrasts’.  Forestry Tasmania has been breeding plantation eucalypts for over 30 years and shares that experience and expertise around…

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UTAS Careers Fair


18 March 2013 - 22 March 2013

UTAS is proud to announce the re-launch of their Careers Fair, with an exciting new format. During Careers Week 2013, UTAS will be hosting five days of career-related activities and events, with each day focusing…

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