5 June 2017
Both the intimate problems of our lives and the world’s greatest ecological concerns are rooted in the same problems: the delusions of ownership and the illusion of control. In patriarchy men have claimed to own…
4 June 2017
Come along and find out what you can do to help the critically endangered swift parrot Lathumas discolor, native to the Eucalypts of Tasmania and Bruny Island. This Information Session and Workshop will be hosted…
1 June 2017
Prolific and profound. Tasmanian scientist and author Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick is launching his memoir ‘Conservation Worrier’ at Fullers Bookshop on June the 1st at 5:30pm. Jaime is a seriously clever guy, who manages to strike…
28 May 2017
This Family Day is all about paper. The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) collection has many items made with paper, from works of art to theatre tickets to legal documents. Come and discover some…
27 May 2017
Introduction to Robotics & RoboCupJunior Short workshop for teachers and prospective mentors of ANY experience level! Join Brian Thomas (Tommo) – a long-time expert who has been involved with RoboCupJunior since Australian competitions began back…
18 May 2017
Whether you are looking to bring precision irrigation to your property, or are after tips to further enhance your current systems, this event is for you. The day will include expert presentations on precision irrigation,…
17 May 2017
Join Professor David Norman Jamieson, School of Physics, University of Melbourne as he discusses physics, power and climate change. His lecture explains entropy and the big challenges involved in charting the uncertain future. Please bring…
16 May 2017
WE’RE DOOMED! Or are we? Don’t ask us, ask a scientist. Climate change researcher Will Hobbs and neuroscientist Lila Landowski are here to set the record straight. This event will be hosted by ABC breakfast…
10 May 2017
Science and technology are all around us, but are often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. How can we understand the role of science and technology in our society? What is the…
10 May 2017
Ian Pattie will present the 2017 TSTS Technology Challenge and share ideas around the making, materials and judging conditions for this year’s Technology Challenge. History of Flight Challenge The history of flight has evolved from…
9 May 2017
Ian Pattie will present the 2017 TSTS Technology Challenge and share ideas around the making, materials and judging conditions for this year’s Technology Challenge. History of Flight Challenge The history of flight has evolved from…
6 May 2017
Experience total immersion gaming and other fun stuff in virtual reality! View the Facebook event for more information and to RSVP