30 September 2017 - 1 October 2017
Welcome to TasJam: Undisciplined! Tickets are now available for Tasjam. Come and join in on the fun, tell your friends! Tickets are available for two venues: Launceston Hobart Note: Tickets are only available…
24 September 2017
Twenty-seven species are listed as having gone extinct from Tasmania in recent times. Threatened Species Day (7 September) marks the date since the last known thylacine died, in 1936. It’s a time to reflect on…
23 September 2017
Music & Our Brain is a public forum, hosted by the Australian Music Therapy Association, with Dr Imogen Clark (PhD, PGradDip-MusThrp, DipAppSci-Nursing) post-doctoral research fellow and lecturer at the University of Melbourne, and registered music…
22 September 2017
Program of Events 10:00 Welcome: Greening Australia, University of Tasmania. Community Hall 10:15 Species workshops-Bats with Dr Lisa Cawthen, Bees with Shasta Henry, Midlands Restoration Dr Tanya Bailey and 3 D Spatial Revegetation Nic Camarretta.…
21 September 2017
Peek behind the scenery to hidden places and creative lives. Word images and visual images, here, the Island’s own story comes alive through the stories of its people. Through a rich and beautiful browse, the…
21 September 2017
Program of Events Welcome in the Woolshed by Henry Foster CTDHS Student Presentations- Bushrangers Night walk in the remnant HIGHLIGHTS: Bat detection with ‘Batwoman’, Dr Lisa Cawthen Evening Entomology with ‘Dr Buzz’, Dr Peter McQuillan…
20 September 2017
The Hobart Bookshop is pleased to invite you to the launch, by Charles Wooley, of Donald Knowler‘s new book, The Shy Mountain, published by Forty South Publishing. Silent and brooding, the Shy Mountain does not have to speak her name.…
20 September 2017
Presented by Dr Sue Cook Ice Shelf Glaciologist Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre Events such as the 1 trillion-tonne iceberg which recently broke away from the Larsen C Ice Shelf capture headlines around…
18 September 2017
Visit 5 sustainable houses in the Huon Valley in Cygnet, Lucaston and Ranelagh. Inspect first hand houses that have been designed with energy efficiency in mind with passive solar, solar panels on an axis and…
14 September 2017
Heart disease? We don’t need to worry about that any more We have had 50 years of progress in understanding, preventing and treating heart disease. Death rates have fallen dramatically and some risk factors have…
11 September 2017
Most people regard chemistry as an experimental science and experiments are certainly very important- after all, one of the main goals of chemical research is to make useful materials upon which modern life depends. Still,…
8 September 2017
3MT is an international program that challenges PhD students to present their research in three minutes, while they vie for top honours and a chance to head to the Asia-Pacific 3MT Finals. Often hilarious and always…