9 August 2014
“But first…let me take a selfie!” Join in the fun and games of Australian Engineering Week by participating in the Engineering Selfie Challenge. Head along to Mawson Place in Hobart between 10am and 12pm to register.…
5 August 2014
Speaker: Dr Niall Doran The Bookend Trust is a multi-award winning philanthropic education initiative that uses multimedia and film to inspire students and assist them to build their own careers. The program uses both virtual…
5 August 2014
Scientists have been studying the climate phenomena now called the “El Nino – Southern Oscillation” for more than 130 years. Australian scientists were involved from the earliest days of its discovery, and are now very…
2 August 2014
This event is the culmination of months of work by robotics students preparing robots for the three main competitions: dance, soccer and rescue. In dance the robots need to use coordinated movements following along to…
2 August 2014 - 10 August 2014
Take a look around you right now. Chances are that most of what you can see or feel has been engineered, that there was an engineering process involved or an engineer was inspirational in its…
2 August 2014
“But first…let me take a selfie!” Join in the fun and games of Australian Engineering Week by participating in the Engineering Selfie Challenge. Head along to Civic Square in the Launceston CBD between 10am and…
1 August 2014
The Art of Happiness is a series of events exploring the benefits of happiness in our personal, professional and community life. Discover what makes us happy, learn about the Science of Flourishing and investigate how…
31 July 2014
We will discuss what climate change is and the resulting changes to various earth systems. Explore what this means for us now and into the future. Take away practical activities, facts, resources and curriculum links…
30 July 2014
Presented by Dr. Zanna Chase from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. Dr. Chase will explore some of the biological and physical processes in the ocean that have influenced atmospheric CO2, and therefore climate, over…
28 July 2014
Presented by visiting fellow Professore Michael Perfit. Professor Michael Perfit is a world-renowned marine geologist and geochemist who studies volcanoes that erupt along sea-floor spreading centers. He has taken more than 35 dives to depths…
27 July 2014
In celebration of National Tree Day, join us for a family sized event full of fun. Find out why our trees are so terrific, make a mad hat that tells your own tall tree story,…
24 July 2014
Conducted by Tanya Monro, Director of IPAS at the University of Adelaide, and colleagues. Grant writing is one of the most important parts of moving towards developing and advancing your research career. Be the grant…