Research Week 2016 – University of Tasmania

The strength and diversity of the University’s research will be showcased during this year’s Research Week (27 August – 2 September).
The week will highlight the University’s research excellence across campuses in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Sydney.
This year’s theme Engage Collaborate Innovate will bring together a host of events including lectures, expos, workshops and forums designed to inform and enlighten students, staff and the broader community.
Further to forums for staff and students, there are also a number of community events including research expos from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the Menzies Institute for Medical Research; public lectures; and the 10th Annual Graduate Research Conference featuring the hotly contested 3MT.
Headlining this year’s event is the inaugural UHack 2016: Innovate Tasmania competition being held simultaneously in Hobart and Launceston on the weekend of August 27-28. Open to both students and the community, UHack will host teams of designers, innovators and entrepreneurs from across the state who will pitch their ground-breaking ideas in a bid to claim prizes.
The competition will see teams at the driving wheel of helping to solve a problem or identify an opportunity within one of the University’s research theme areas including environment, resources and sustainability; creativity, culture and society; better health; marine, Antarctic and maritime; and data, knowledge and decisions.
Seminars are on offer to help participants and registrations are currently open to teams of between four to six people. To register, or for more information, visit
For more information and Research Week program details visit