Explore how near and long-term technological advances may shape the future volcanic research in the deep sea.
Dr Adam Soule investigates the dynamic interactions of heat and rocks in the deep earth with the crust and hydrosphere. He is involved in projects on mid-ocean ridges and young rifted margins with a special view to understanding submarine explosive eruptions. He is a veteran of many cruises exploring the floor of the oceans in a variety of tectonic settings including the East Pacific Rise, Mid-Atlantic Ridge as well as the Guaymas Basin near California.
He is experienced in the use of robotic submersibles and his presentation will summarize the intersection of engineering and science that has led to the current use of underwater vehicles to study deep-sea volcanic processes. Through a discussion of some of the important discoveries in volcano science they enabled, he will explore how near- and long-term technological advances may shape the future volcanic research in the deep sea.
Submarine volcanism remains underexplored and underexamined – three quarters of Earth lies beneath water, and a substantial majority of Earth’s volcanic eruptions take place in this subaqueous realm. In conjunction with the American Geophysical Union’s Chapman Conference on Submarine Volcanism, join us for a series of public lectures as we explore cutting-edge research in this fascinating field.