University of Tasmania – Science Investigation Awards 2016 Information Session for Teachers

New to the Science Investigation Awards?
The Science Investigation Awards is ideal for Science Inquiry in your classroom! It’s a competition for investigations completed following the scientific method.
Students submit a report on their inquiry in poster and booklet form. These are presented by the students in person for judging by representatives from research, industry and education. This Presentation Day takes place in August/September at a university venue. Prizes are awarded based on merit and presented at a public evening event on the same day.
The Science Investigation Awards are free and are open to any students in Years 5 – 12, as individuals or groups (up to 3 students). They are held statewide.
In 2015, over 1000 students from 38 schools were involved in the Science Investigation Awards, conducting 620! scientific investigations, which were judged by 210 judges, and around $20,000 in prizes were awarded!!
Want to Find Out More?
Come along to this Information Session to

  • learn more about the Science Investigation Awards,
  • hear from teachers and past participants,
  • meet some of the judges,
  • take part in a hands-on science investigation, and
  • brainstorm ideas for science inquiry projects in your classroom.

If you are new to the Awards, this is your chance to have all your questions answered!
If you have been involved in the Science Investigation Awards before,
you’re more than welcome to come along and share your expertise.
RSVP: For catering purposes, please let me know if you plan to attend. If you are interested, but have other commitments on the day, or if you have any other queries, please send me an email.
Jeannie-Marie Leroi, Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology.
email, ph: 6226 7477