Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture Roadshow: Burnie

After last year’s successful Roadshow series, the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) is again heading to regional Tasmania to showcase current and future research, development and extension work that is helping to grow the state’s agricultural industries.
The Burnie event will provide valuable information for dairy, beef and crop farmers on how significant savings can be achieved by reducing irrigation costs through various innovative strategies. The evening will also include a discussion on how TIA is working to help grow agriculture in Tasmania.
Fabulous food made onsite by the Hellyers Distillery team is sure to be a highlight and attendees will be able to engage directly with industry experts and researchers in informal discussions.
It’s a great opportunity for Tasmanian farmers, agriculture industry organisations, regional communities and government to chat with TIA staff and find out how TIA is helping grow the farm gate value of the state’s agricultural production.

There are three easy ways to register

Email: tia.events@utas.edu.au
Phone: (03) 6226 2618

Visit TIA for more information