Join us at Inala for a one-day workshop on the science of selecting, planting and establishing trees. This workshop will cover tree biology 101 and an introduction to the principles of soil science. It will be a combination of lecture, slides, specimens and hands-on practical activities. We will explore the reasons behind the failure of planted trees and shrubs in the landscape and ways that these failures can be minimised. The emphasis will be on eucalypts but will be applicable to all species.
The day is suitable for all ages of people interested in getting involved in successful tree planting for the conservation of Forty-spotted Pardalotes and Swift Parrots as well as all other revegetation and habitat restoration programs that you may have in mind for your own land.
The workshop will be presented by Judy Fakes who has over 30 years’ experience teaching theoretical and practical aspects of arboriculture and soil science. She was formerly Head Teacher of Arboriculture at Ryde College of TAFE New South Wales.