The Royal Society of Tasmania Lecture: 2019 Doctoral Award Winners

For the May lecture of the Royal Society we will hear from the joint winners of the 2018 RST Doctoral Thesis Award.

This award is given annually to two recently graduated PhD academics who have made significant advances in the course of their doctoral research. The awards are made for excellence in research in any field within the purview of the Society, so we will be have the pleasure of hearing presentations on very diverse topics.

Dr Jack Mulder, Research Fellow, Monash University

From Rocky Cape to the Rocky Mountains: The geological journey of Tasmania’s oldest rocks

Dr Mulder will outline how an ancient basin from the Southwest of the United States was fragmented, resulting in the landmass we now know as Tasmania drifting away from North America and subsequently colliding with Australia to achieve its present-day position.

Dr Mulder is a geologist who studies ancient rocks to understand how Earth’s continents are built and how they have evolved through deep time. He is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at Monash University where his research focuses on using the sedimentary record to track secular changes in the composition of the continental crust and plate tectonic processes.

Dr Feng Pan, Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research

Individualised osteoarthritis pain treatment based on phenotypes: Are we there yet?

Dr Feng Pan will explain how various new clinical concepts allow for patients’ stratification for clinical trials, thus providing potential for individualised interventions in patients with osteoarthritis pain.

Dr Pan is a Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research. His research interests span both epidemiology and clinical interventions to osteoarthritis-related pain. Much of his work has been on identifying biomechanical risk factors for chronic pain and osteoarthritis, identifying pain and osteoarthritis phenotypes and testing new therapeutic treatments.

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