How will the oceans change with rising carbon dioxide?
Next month Hobart will host the 4th Ocean in a High CO2 World symposium. Held every four years, this will be the first to be held in the Southern Hemisphere, and is expected to attract around 350 international delegates.
As part of the symposium, an evening public forum has been arranged to discuss ocean acidification, the science and likely impacts.
• Dr Alistair Hobday, Senior Principal Research Scientist CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere will MC
Speakers include:
• Associate Professor Bärbel Hönisch Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, NY
• Assistant Professor Kristy J Kroeker University of California, Santa Cruz
• Dr Richard Matear CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
• Dr Luke Brander Environmental Economist, University of Hong Kong
This special free event features a series of short talks with the opportunity for audience questions.