Why is it important to increase diversity, inclusion, and equity in STEMM? What can #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo teach us about amplifying underrepresented voices? How can we make workplaces more equitable? How might diversity in STEMM help us address the climate crisis?
Join us at the State Cinema in Hobart on Weds, OCT 14 at 6:00pm for a special screening of THE LEADERSHIP followed by a Q+A panel discussion.
This panel brings together three inspiring local speakers to discuss THE LEADERSHIP in the context of wider contemporary debates about diversity, equity and leadership in Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) fields.
Special guests include:
- MC: RYK GODDARD, Presenter ABC Radio Hobart
- MIBU FISCHER, Marine Ethno-ecologist, CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere
- MEREDITH NASH, Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the College of Arts, Law, and Education University of Tasmania, Homeward Bound participant
- JESS MELBOURNE THOMAS, Transdisciplinary Researcher and Knowledge Broker, CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere, Co-founder of Homeward Bound