The Acidification Story: Connecting Science to Outreach

Tasmanian educators and science communicators are invited to participate in this special outreach session as part of the Ocean Acidification Conference being held in Hobart for the very first time. Target audience: science educators and communicators, scientists and media.
This event intended to bring Tasmanian educators and communicators together with International scientists and educators to share lessons-learned  and  effective approaches to communicate about ocean acidification. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) partnered with the Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre and Monterey Bay Aquarium to arrange these sessions.
Entry is free. To register, go to –
Science communication efforts and collaborations between scientists and educators are growing in number and effectiveness as the ocean acidification field continues to grow. These endeavours, along with the gaps and opportunities in ocean acidification education and communication will be identified, in addition to successful messaging and community based solutions.
Speakers include:

  • Sam Dupont, Marine Researcher, University of Gothenburg
  • Tullio Rossi, Marine Biologist, University of Adelaide
  • Laura Francis, Education Coordinator, NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
  • Jennifer Mintz, Education & Outreach Coordinator, NOAA Ocean Acidification Program
  • Sarah Mae Nelson, Conservation Interpreter, Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Panel Discussion