Tasmanian Ocean Summit

The Australia Institute is hosting the second Tasmanian Ocean Summit, on Friday 17 November 2023, at Spring Bay Mill, Triabunna.
The Summit will bring together representatives from across Tasmania’s marine sectors, scientists, economists, management experts and Tasmanian Aboriginal communities.

Join us for a compelling program of speakers, panel discussions and opportunities for collaboration on the change we need to achieve a thriving ocean future for all.


Tickets are on sale now!

Tasmanian Ocean Summit 2023
Friday 17 November
Spring Bay Mill, Triabunna

Speakers include:

Andry Sculthorpe | Land and Heritage, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Polly Hemming | Climate and Energy Program Director, The Australia Institute
Professor Gretta Pecl | Director, Centre for Marine Socioecology
Angela Williamson | Blue Policy & Planning Director, Blue Economy CRC
Associate Professor Neville Barrett | Marine and estuarine ecologist, IMAS
Dr Jess Melbourne-Thomas | Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment
Professor Jan McDonald | Environmental and Climate Law, UTAS
Joey McKibben | Chair, Divers Sector Sub Committee of the Tasmanian Abalone Council
John Stanfield | Secretary, Tasmanian Amateur Sea Fisherman’s Association and administrator of two recreational fishing groups with over 16,000 followers.
Claire Bookless | Managing lawyer, Environmental Defenders Office Tasmania
Dr Emily Ogier | Leader, FRDC Human Dimensions Research Coordination Program, IMAS
Matt Grudnoff | Senior Economist, The Australia Institute
Dr Larelle Bossi | Regenerative ethicist, UTAS
Rebecca Howarth | Marine Campaigner, Environment Tasmania
Ebony Bennett | Deputy Director, The Australia Institute
Eloise Carr | Director, The Australia Institute Tasmania
…and more speakers to be announced soon!

Tickets are on sale now!

Tasmania is currently reviewing its main marine law for the first time in 28 years. With dual biodiversity and climate crises, building resilience in healthy oceans is more urgent than ever. If we are to meet the current and future needs of the community and environment, we need to significantly improve the way we care for and use our oceans.

Australia is entering a new era of ocean management through Australia’s Sustainable Ocean Plan. Tasmania has the opportunity to lead the way states contribute to its development.

The Summit is an opportunity to discuss ideas that can contribute to Tasmanian and national marine management frameworks. Speakers will consider how we can protect biodiversity in a changing ocean, emerging and competing uses for space in our coastal waters, and moving Tasmania towards the new national vision and commitment to ocean sustainability. There will be plenty of time for discussion and audience participation.

Join us for a day of collaboration to explore challenges and opportunities ahead.

Please Note: this is an in-person event and will not be live streamed.

Dietary requirements: Please email the event contact for any dietary requirements for catering on the day.

Event Contact: jacquie@australiainstitute.org.au