#OneTeam: Working together to keep Tasmanians out of hospital
No-one – whether they be a health professional or patient – looks forward to a health crisis. Especially one that involves a hospital visit.
Every day in Tasmania, there are 35 potentially preventable hospital admissions/visits that may have been avoided through timely treatment in the community.
Each one of those admissions increases pressure on stretched hospital resources, including staff. And, of course, it’s not much fun for the patients themselves.
The 2017 Tasmanian Health Conference will focus on team-based approaches to keep Tasmanians out of hospital. It will discuss opportunities to look after people in the community wherever possible – whether they have a chronic condition, disability, mental illness, are elderly or a combination of the above. The importance of streamlined, person-centred care will also be discussed.
Featuring presentations, debates and case studies, the annual Tasmanian Health Conference is an important part of the ongoing dialogue about challenges and opportunities for the future health of our state.