The inaugural Tasmanian Garlic and Tomato Festival will include fun and informative activities for all ages!
- Tastings of 50+ tomato varieties & up to 6 garlic types
- Guest Speakers (including ABC’s Tino Carnevale)
- Tomato & garlic competitions
- Growing & cooking demonstrations
- Food and Produce Stalls
- Live music
- Children’s activities
Competitions to prepare for (must be delivered by previous day or 8.30am on morning):
- Best home-made tomato sauce
- Best home-made tomato relish
- Biggest tomato
- Ugliest tomato
- Most unusual tomato variety
- Children’s vegetable character
(Must include tomato &/or garlic)
- Best Garlic (hardneck)
- Best Garlic (softneck)
- Biggest Garlic (hardneck)
- Biggest garlic (softneck)
- Best pesto
- Best garlic plait
- Garlic & tomato art competition – original work (any medium). Must have garlic &/or tomato theme
Challenges & Activities on the Day
“Tomato Trot – Garlic Gallop” – 1km fun-run or walk & treasure hunt
Garlic Cracking Race
Garlic Eating Race
Mob: 0438 009 522, Ph: 6396 6160
E: info@tngt.com.au
W: www.tasmaniannaturalgarlicandtomatoes.com