Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform Seminar

The virtual Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform (SynBioFSP) Seminar Series is an opportunity to hear about the latest work from SynBioFSP funded projects, CSIRO-University Fellows and SynBioFSP PhD students.

This month, Huw Hayman Zumpe, BioFoundry Technician at the CSIRO BioFoundry, will describe the synthetic biology workflows that are in use at the CSIRO BioFoundry, noting their strengths and limitations, and potential modifications that could be made to suit future projects.

Dr Tom Williams, Research Fellow in Synthetic Biology at Macquarie University, will be presenting on the Australian Genome Foundry (AGF), which is being established at Macquarie University to provide biofoundry technology to Australian academics and companies, with the goal of fostering a vibrant synthetic biology research community and bio-economy.


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