Shelf Life Sense and Sensibility Webinar

When it comes to shelf-life there is a lot of science, practice, and myths. This webinar is aimed to debunk the science behind shelf-life. The diverse range of speakers from academia to industry will offer insights into the concepts of shelf-life, with a refresher on the essential microbiological and sensory concepts behind it, different techniques of extending the shelf-life of your products and how to test it in a laboratory setting.


  • Prof Tom Ross, University of Tasmania – Extending shelf life with quality – a paradox?
  • Jodie Hill, Sensory Solutions – the sensory aspects of shelf-life
  • Jasmine Lacis-Lee, BVAQ – the laboratory testing of shelf-life
  • Dr Matthew Wilson, University of Tasmania – extending shelf life through ingredients and packaging

Registration is $25 for non-members; free for NZIFST and Seedlab members

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