Through hands-on activities children will have a chance to explore the world of magnets!
See how magnets interact with different materials and each other and how magnets are used.
Children will use different strength magnets and observe their effect on a compass and various metals. They will also build a simple electromagnet!
Suitable for children ages 8 – 12 years old. This is a family friendly workshop so parents are encouraged to buy a ticket and participate in the fun!
This workshop is being presented by Colin from Science and Wonders and will take place at Hive’s Studio One.
This hands on workshop is also suitable for interested children attending without adults and does not assume any particular science knowledge. However due to the nature of practical science an ability to follow the presenter’s instructions is required. If your child is disruptive, you will be asked to come and collect them for everybody’s safety.
Children will need to be at Hive by the designated start time. Adults are welcome to stay with their children or to leave them, but we ask that they are picked up promptly at the end of the workshop.