Science and Engineering of Composting Forum

Approximately 50% of the rubbish Australians put in the everyday mixed-waste ‘garbage bin’ could be put to better use in the garden as compost and mulch or could be returned to agricultural land to improve soil quality.

This is a free public forum to discuss all things composting!

Guest speakers include:

Steven Marshall, Veolia’s Operations Manager Victoria, Resource Recovery will be discussing composting and organic waste advances including Veolia’s Bulla Organics Recovery Facility in Victoria – the most technologically advanced and efficient organics facility within Australia.

Michael Attard, City of Launceston Waste & Environment Officer
will also be presenting about Council’s FOGO collection service and its own experiences with composting, utilising forced aeration
technology at the Launceston Waste Centre.

Please RSVP by Monday 17 June 2019