Salmon Farming in Tasmania: Fact, Fiction or Spin?

Is salmon farming harming our coastal waters and marine life? Has the Tasmanian Government put in place appropriate regulations and is it enforcing its regulations? Are salmon hatcheries threatening our freshwater resources, or is there nothing to worry about?

The Tasmanian Independent Science Council is hosting a panel to answer your questions about the environmental science and regulation of salmon farming in Tasmania.


The Speakers:

Christine Coughanowr, former CEO of the Derwent Estuary Program and independent scientist with 35 years of experience in water quality management, will speak on the impact of salmon farming on Tasmania’s freshwater.

Dr Lisa Gershwin, a marine biologist and world expert on jellyfish, will speak about the ecological impacts of salmon farming on the marine environment.

Kelly Roebuck, Sustainable Seafood Campaigner with the Living Oceans Society, will speak about third party sustainability accreditation of salmon farming, such as the Aquaculture Stewardship Council.

Claire Bookless, Managing Lawyer at EDO Tasmania, will discuss the regulations that the salmon farming industry must comply with.

Eloise Carr, Director of the Australia Institute Tasmania with almost two decades of experience in marine and coastal policy and management, will discuss marine planning and integrated ocean management as a best practice approach to managing Tasmania’s coastal waters.

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