The Spring Community Festival has been a Tasmanian community institution since 1986. Attracting more than 15,000 visitors annually, the Spring Community Festival is the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens premiere festival overflowing with entertainment, activities, rides, food, wine and much, much more.
Features include:
- Gardening gurus Peter Cundall & Tino Carnevale giving free hands on demonstrations in the new Tasmanian Community Food Garden – formerly Pete’s Patch. This will be the first chance for the public to see this new developmental.
- A major theme of the Tasmanian Community Food Garden is to show Tasmanians how to grow their own food, harvest it and cook delicious nutritious meals and who better to help than Peter & Tino! All classes and demonstrations are free!
- Fantastic musicians and dancers
- Free Sporting activities with fun and games for the kids