Ngaire Hobbins presents Live it Up

Ngaire Hobbins is a widely experienced dietician specialising in brain health beyond middle age. Ngaire’s main focus in on alerting older people to their unique nutrition needs, helping them minimise physical and cognitive decline. She has worked in the community, hospitals, universities and nutrition communications, including at the Wicking Dementia Centre Research and Education Centre of UTAS as a clinical lecturer for the Bachelor or Dementia Care. Ngaire is Chair of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Tasmanian Division.

Ngaire presents the science of nutrition, ageing and brain health in the language of everyday people, offering sensible, practical advice to help people make the most of the later years of life. One of Ngaire’s books, Eat to Cheat Ageing, will be available for purchase ($20). Expect to leave this session better informed and armed to enjoy health and vitality in later life.

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