Get ready to Ooooh and Aaaaah when you discover the fascinating chemistry behind the world of pyrotechnics with live demonstrations!
Fireworks are integral to many cultural celebrations such as Chinese New Year, Guy Fawkes night in the UK, Cracker Night in Tasmania, and in the many iconic images of the Sydney Harbour Bridge ablaze on New Year’s Eve. But very few people understand and appreciate the fundamental chemical principles at play in each pyrotechnic. Come along to one of the two seminars and learn some fun chemistry, and then see elements of the periodic table in action in the in the night sky above Hobart!
This event includes a live pyrotechnics show on the University of Tasmania oval at Sandy Bay and a fun and informative presentation with live demos in the Chemistry lecture nearby.
Tickets: $7.70
Session Times – Please Choose one of the Sessions Below to attend
Session 1: 6:00-6:45 pm Seminar + 7.00-7.30 Fireworks display outdoors (Please arrive at the Chemistry Building before 6pm for a prompt start).
Session 2: 7.00-7.30 Fireworks display outdoors + 7:30-8:15 pm Seminar (Please arrive at the Chemistry Building at 6:45pm to be guided to the fireworks location).
Please be punctual to avoid delays and disappointment!
This is a non-profit event, supported by Inspiring Australia, the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and the University of Tasmania.
For more details please contact