A public lecture by PhD Candidates from the Centre for Architectural Science Tasmania (CAST) – Rhys Tanton, Freya Su and Jack Tan, with an introduction to CAST by Dr Mark Dewsbury.
Dr Mark Dewsbury will briefly introduce the Centre for Architectural Science Tasmania (CAST). This will be followed by presentations by three current PhD candidates.
Rhys Tanton has been investigating the drying processes of Tasmanian Blackwood, Acacia melanoxylon (R.Br). Freya Su investigates climate data and its current relevance for hygrothermal simulation. Jack Tan’s research explores retrofitting to improve existing Australian dwellings towards near net-zero goals, focusing on local and international Indoor Environmental Qualities standards and green rating tools.
Free for members of the Royal Society of Tasmania. $6 – General admission, $4 – for students, QVMAG or TMAG Friends, and members of Launceston Historical Society.
Full COVID vaccination and the wearing of face masks is highly desirable.