Each month on the full moon, a table will be set and candles lit for a supper of nocturnal delights. Perched above Hobart, a group of twelve will gather together to eat, drink, and discuss under the glow of the moon. Enjoy seasonal Tasmanian food and stimulating conversation, with legendary Tasmanian chef Luke Burgess. There will be food for thought as well, with a guest speaker in attendance to provide new perspectives on the nocturnal world. Guest speaker details for November will be announced soon.
Cost: $300/person — includes dinner and matched drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic or both), a fascinating talk by a guest speaker, and a contribution to our “A Seat At The Table” initiative, enabling members of our community to access this event regardless of financial means.
If you’d like to join us for supper but don’t have the financial means at this time, you can request a free seat through Beaker Street’s “A Seat at the Table” initiative, which aims to increase access to scientific and cultural events for our community. If you are a Tasmanian resident, you can request a seat by emailing seatplease@beakerstreet.com.au with your name and the date or dates you’re interested in. If we can offer you a seat, we will — no questions asked.