design + technology + social change
Link Festival brings together Australia’s leading and emerging social innovators and a new generation of design and technology professionals to explore the nexus of design, technology and social change.
Speakers include
Michelle Tabet; Urban Informatics
Michelle Tabet is an independent strategy director and thinker about urban informatics, technology vs culture and place making.
Marita Cheng; Robogals
Founder Robogals and 2Mar Robotics, 2012 Young Australian of the Year and Vogue Futuremarker 2014.
Tane Hunter; Cofounder of Future Crunch, bioinformatician, cancer researcher, biology nerd, techno enthusiasts, salty sailor, genomic gentleman, science communicator.
Giving fresh and intelligent perspectives on future trends.
Julian O’Shea; Engineers Without Borders / Makeshift Studios
Social Entrepreneur. Humanitarian Engineer. Traveler. Director of the Engineers Without Borders Institute. Interested in Technology Justice.