Life Beyond Earth is the theme of this year’s Dare Shott Public Lecture.
Professor of Sensor Informatics at the University of Tasmania Paulo de Souza will share his knowledge of the exploration of Mars and explain how technology developed to assist space exploration is being used in Tasmania when he speaks at the 15th annual Dare Shott Public Lecture.
The lecture will outline fascinating research that is transforming our understanding of the evolution of the solar system.
The discovery of habitable places beyond Earth and Prof de Souza’s involvement in landing two large robots, Spirit and Opportunity, on the surface of Mars will be among the topics covered by the collaborating scientist on NASA’s Mars Exploration Project and co-author of more than 200 peer-review papers, including the Breakthrough of the Year in 2004 by Science Magazine.
Prof de Souza said that the lecture will be a great opportunity to share his passion for science, particularly with any admirers of space exploration and technology.
“We can’t see our home in the same way from now on.”
Complimentary tea and coffee will be served at the beginning of the lecture and the cost of attending is by gold coin donation.
To ensure a seat RSVP on +61 3 6348 7010.
Presented by Clifford Craig Medical Research Trust.