To celebrate International Womens’ Day, UTAS Innovation Ventures is hosting a panel session with three inspiring speakers about the ins-and-out of entrepreneurship. This session will be led by Leonore Ryan the Director of the UTAS InVent Incubator & Accelerator Program followed by a short networking session. Light refreshments will be served.
– Tara Howell – has a significant Brand and Marketing background and is passionate about positioning Tasmania as the world leader for high-end tourism experiences.
– Rosie Nash – a registered pharmacist and senior lecturer in public health specialising in health promotion interventions. She is also Australia’s foremost researcher in children’s health literacy.
– Roxane Bandini-Maeder – the Co-Founder and CEO of Geoneon, a Tasmanian organization that leverages Earth Observation, Deep-Learning, and Advanced Analytics to anticipate and mitigate the impact of climatic disasters.
This event is open to UTAS staff, students, alumni and also to the broader (entrepreneurship) community to attend.