You are invited to attend and submit an abstract for SMP’13 which will be held in Launceston Tasmania from 5 – 8 May 2013 at The Tramsheds Function Centre, Inveresk, Launceston.
SMP’13 is the third in a series of international symposia dedicated to the design and hydrodynamics of all types of marine propulsors. SMP’13 provides a forum to present state-of-the-art research and studies on existing marine propulsors as well as a platform for introduction of new types of propulsors.
SMP’13 will also include as a mini symposium the 3rd T-Pod – Technological Advances in Pod Propulsion. Environmental issues are addressed through topics on green propulsion and the hydrodynamic aspects of renewable energy devices.
For further information, registration and to submit an abstract, please visit the Symposium on Marine Propulsors website.
We look forward to welcoming you to Launceston, Tasmania in May 2013.
Further information: Renee@leishman-associates.com.au.