Future Crunch is excited to be heading to Tasmania to host two talks with Tasplan in Launceston and Hobart.
Future Crunch provides clear, critical and intelligent thinking to show people how to navigate the coming ‘crunch’ of scientific and technological change. They help businesses understand the interaction between science, technology and innovation, and give them a better toolkit for thinking about the future of the global economy.
In this talk, Dr Angus Hervey and Tane Hunter pull together, sift through and explain recent advances in neuroscience, connectivity, manufacturing, nanotechnology, renewables, digital currency and biotechnology. These industries are undergoing exponential change, but because of our evolutionary hard-wiring most organisations think about these changes in a linear fashion, and focus overwhelmingly on risks rather than opportunities.
Breakthroughs in science and technology are bringing about a world that is more peaceful, transparent and abundant. Join Tasplan and Future Crunch for a unique insight into the radical possibilities of the future. The event includes complimentary canapes, and drinks available from a bar. Numbers are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
This event includes some canapes and drinks will be available from the bar.