FIRST Robotics Competition – Information Session for Grades 9-12, teachers & mentors!

The University of Tasmania will host a First Robotics Competition Team in January 2015. We are looking for grade 9-12 students to be members of the team.
The FIRST Lego Robotics Competition brings together students and mentors to build large-scale robots (2m tall, 50 kg mass!) to compete in games against other teams from all over the world.

Sounds cool? OF COURSE it does!
You do not need previous experience,
you don’t need to be a rocket scientist,
you just need to turn up and get involved!

Teams work together to brainstorm, design, prototype, build, program and learn to drive their robot. The competition game is different each year. Click here for heaps more information.
An FRC team consists of students aged 14-18 years. Adult mentors such as engineers, school teachers, university lecturers, tertiary students, FIRST alumni and others are involved to help throughout the competition. We are also looking for mentors to support the team!
The first Australian FRC Regional competition will be held in Sydney in March 2015. Teams will compete and can earn their way to the World Championship event.