FIRST LEGO League Info Session

We have an exciting new program coming up for students aged 11-16, the FIRST LEGO League(FLL) competition.
FIRST LEGO League is a robotics competition held around the world that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This years theme is TrashTrek which is all about collection, smart production and reuse of rubbish. We are planning on hosting multiple teams for this event each having a maximum of 10 students. The competition date is the 14th of November(Saturday) at Dominic College. The cost per student is $35 to pay for the competition registration entry fee.
Come along and find out all the information necessary and ask questions about our program or UTAS Robotics. Snacks provided.
The practice sessions will most likely be either on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday up until the competition date with extra sessions on weekends if needed. During these sessions we have student-mentors who are experienced in robotics to teach and guide students.
If you have any questions, concerns or can’t make it to the open-day, please send us an email