Extinction Matters BioBlitz (Latrobe)

A festival of science in nature – an effort by the community, working with scientists and naturalists, to discover and record as many living things as possible within each site for the set period. We’ll obtain new information for each site, share the joy of science and discover our local biodiversity. On Friday, many activities for schools will be available. This is one of two BioBlitzes marking the ‘Extinction Matters’ theme for Threatened Species Day 2016.

  • Visit our website
  • Like and explore the resources on the Facebook page
  • Register with EventBrite early bookings for the events which will link to specific activities
  • Download and experiment with iNaturalist (an iNaturalist ‘Extinction Matters’ BioBlitz page has been set up, to keep us up to date on how many species have been recorded, and by whom
  • Buy *fabulous* promotional t-shirts, hoodies and other merchandise for sale on RedBubble

For more information, please contact Clare Hawkins (clare.hawkins@utas.edu.au) or Michelle Dutton (michelled@latrobe.tas.gov.au / 0400 578 746)
A partnership between the Bookend Trust, the City of Hobart and Latrobe Council, together with numerous additional collaborators.
Participating scientists and naturalists include:
Dr Phil Bell (private consultant)
John Bowden (Parks & Wildlife Wild Schools Discovery Ranger)
Dr Peter McQuillan (University of Tasmania)
Paul Middleton (Inland Fisheries)
Associate Professor Alastair Richardson (University of Tasmania and the Bookend Trust)
Sarah Lloyd (private consultant)
…and many more, including scientists and naturalists from Threatened Plants Tasmania, BirdLife Tasmania, UTas, Forest Practices Authority, Tasmanian Land Conservancy and the WildSC’OOLs program.
Proudly supported by Inspiring Australia.