Engaging with Science is a professional development and networking opportunity for the Tasmanian Science Engagement Sector.
2.30 pm: Afternoon tea on arrival
2.45 pm: Case studies showcasing local science engagement success stories
3.45 pm: Facilitated group discussion including:
- best practice science engagement
- issues and needs in the science engagement sector
- facilitating the Tasmanian science engagement ‘community’
- Festival of Bright Ideas 2016
- questions from the floor
4.30 pm: Open networking opportunity. Drinks and nibbles provided.
There will also be free access to explore Mawson’s Hut, adjacent to the Lark Distillery, for ’Engaging with Science’ participants until 6.00 pm.
FREE EVENT but RSVP essential: email Sarah.Bayne@utas.edu.au or phone 6226 2716 by COB Monday 16 November 2015.
This event is broght to you by Inspiring Australia.
Image credit: Jenny Davson-Galle.