Empowering Aborigines: Voices inside parliament or advisers outside?

Join The Royal Society of Tasmania and Michael Mansell at a lecture titled “Empowering Aborigines: Voice inside parliament, or advisors outside?  Voting “No” to the referendum is a  vote of support for Aboriginal self-determination”

The presentation will focus on the debate about Aboriginal self-determination, giving Aboriginal people direct decision-making as opposed to Aboriginal subordination (advising others to make decisions about us).

Michael Mansell is a Tasmanian Aboriginal leader who, as an activist and lawyer, has worked for social, political, and legal changes to improve the lives and social standing of Tasmanian Aboriginal people.

To attend in person, register here.

To attend online, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend.