“A Double Devil Dilemma” – public lecture by Emeritus Professor Greg Woods

The Royal Society of Tasmania, Northern Branch, invites you to a public lecture by Emeritus Professor Greg Woods.

Transmissible cancers are rare. However, Tasmanian devils are dying from two transmissible cancers that comprise Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD). Both cancers arose from Schwann cells that avoided immune elimination. Research is revealing why devils appear to be susceptible to these transmissible cancers. Promising vaccine research and field observations that some devils can recover from DFTD provide hope for the devil population’s future.

Attendance is free for members of the Royal Society of Tasmania. $6 for general admission, $4 or students, QVMAG or TMAG Friends, and members of Launceston Historical Society.
To attend in person, please call Chris Beswick on 0417 330 118 or email apcachris@gmail.com.
Registration for the Zoom webinar via: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN_h71lEtr3QXSVEwYu7GNk9A

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