Join this public forum, hosted as part of the Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network (AMSN) Conference, co-hosted by CSIRO and School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania. Over 70 delegates are expected to attend from across Australia and overseas, representing varied interests relating to the latest science and management for saltmarsh and mangrove ecosystems. The public forum presents a handpicked sample of the delegates and their work to a broader audience, as a public window into the Conference.
Chair: Dr Ian Cresswell, Research Director, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Knowledge and Services, Land & Water, CSIRO
Confirmed speakers:
- Emeritus Professor Irving Mendelssohn, Louisiana State University, USA
- Professorial Research Fellow Norm Duke, James Cook University, QLD
- Professor Paul Boon, Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC
RSVP / Contact Information
Vishnu.Prahalad@utas.edu.au or John.Aalders@utas.edu.au
03 62267674
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