Join our Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Lead Authors and climate experts as they discuss their new ‘Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’ report findings and what they mean for Australia. This is a free in-person and online event to hear directly from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Lead Authors and other climate experts.
Topics include:
- Key findings on the physical science of climate change (from Working Group)
- Findings from the new Working Group II report:Climate change extremes and their impact on marine life
- Sensitivity of Antarctic ecosystems and consequent impacts on global systems
- Major changes in Australian and Tasmanian systems caused by climate change and extremes
- Approaches for achieving climate resilient development in Australia
- Dr Alistair Hobday, Research Director at CSIRO Oceans & Atmospheres
- Prof Gretta Pecl, Marine Ecologist at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
- Prof Neil Holbrook, Professor of Ocean and Climate Dynamics and Head of the Centre for Oceans and Cryosphere at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
- Dr Jess Melbourne Thomas, Senior Research Scientist and Team Leader for Marine Socioecological Systems at CSIRO, Oceans & Atmosphere, and a Theme Leader with the Centre for Marine Socioecology
- Prof Philip Boyd, Professor of Marine Biogeochemistry at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Co-ordinator of the Virtual Institute for Climate Solutions
- Dr Andrew Constable, Associate Researcher at CMS and a quantitative marine ecologist