Clandestine drug manufacture in Australia, history, chemistry, and characterizing human health risk

The Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the University of Tasmania are hosting a seminar entitled “Clandestine drug manufacture in Australia, history, chemistry, and characterizing human health risk”.
Paul Newell is a former forensic chemist and author of the Australian national guidelines for the ‘Remediation of Clandestine Drug laboratory Sites’ as well as an author and co-author of several United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’ (UNODC) guidelines and learning materials for the safe handling and disposal of chemicals from illicit drug manufacture. Paul brings his unique experience in the fields of illicit drug manufacture, law enforcement and illicit drug intelligence, combined with a unique insight into the chemistry, toxicology and human health consequences of illicit drug manufacture in what is an eye opening and engaging examination of a serious social issue facing many Australian Communities.
The clandestine manufacture of synthetic drugs, such as amphetamines and phenethylamines such as ecstasy were first identified in Australia in the 1980’s. Since this time, the illicit manufacture of these synthetic drugs has evolved and adapted in response to both chemical regulation and law enforcement activities. This adaption has seen a continued evolution of the chemistry being applied to these illicit processes, developing often novel, complex and in many cases hazardous manufacture routes as a result.
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