Presented by visiting fellow Professore Michael Perfit.
Professor Michael Perfit is a world-renowned marine geologist and geochemist who studies volcanoes that erupt along sea-floor spreading centers. He has taken more than 35 dives to depths up to 12,000 feet in the deep-sea submersible ALVIN during his research and has used a variety of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) to study and sample mid-ocean ridges and seamounts in the Pacific Ocean.
Covering 70% of our planet and reaching depths of nearly 11,000 meters, the ocean is truly the last unexplored frontier on Earth. In this dark and largely unexplored environment the potential exists for profound scientific discoveries. Using specially developed technology, the global seafloor is now coming into more detailed focus. Learn how we explore and what new discoveries have been made in this expansive, hidden and largely inaccessible part of our planet – where magmatic, tectonic, and hydrothermal processes continuously generate the vast terrain that underlies the oceans.
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