Camera Trap Chronicles

Ever wondered what Tassie’s wildlife gets up to when no one’s watching? Explore the Tasmanian Land Conservancy’s (TLC) camera trap photo exhibition. Captured by WildTracker citizen scientists and landholders from across the state, these photos reveal the hidden lives of our special wildlife.

The exhibition will showcase camera trap photos that tell compelling, beautiful and humorous stories of nature and science. Each photo will be accompanied by the entrant’s account of their personal connection with the animal subject, along with scientific insights into the species and behaviours depicted. There will be opportunities to brush up on your wildlife identification skills. Plus, you’ll learn how you can contribute to wildlife monitoring in Tasmania.

Participants of the WildTracker citizen science program, and Tasmanian camera trap enthusiasts more broadly, are invited to submit entries for the exhibition. The best images (as judged by the TLC Science team) will be selected for display, with winners in each theme announced on opening night.

  • Behaviour: Intriguing interactions between animals. Such as maternal care, unusual partnerships, conflict, and parasitism. Or simply animals engaging in weird and wonderful activities.
  • Threatened Species: Epic photos of Tasmania’s threatened wildlife. Including devils, quolls, wedgies, and barred bandicoots.
  • Comedy: Amusing antics, playful poses, and moments that are sure to bring a smile to your face.
  • Firsts: Images representing the first time the entrant encountered a species. Either in existence or on their property. Or else rare captures either in place, time or subject.

Join us for opening night in Launceston, where you can help select the People’s Choice. You can also enjoy cheese and wine like a true art connoisseur. The exhibition will remain open for walk-ins over the following days before moving to Hobart, where it will be displayed at the TLC offices.

Event Times:

Thu. 22 Aug
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Fri. 23 Aug – Sat. 24 Aug
9:00pm – 5:00pm

Event Webpage