Spring is finally here! What better way is there to celebrate the change of season, than by getting into a Bush Adventure?
This Spring Bush Adventures will be joining The Bookend Trust, TMAG, Hobart City Council Bushcare, and numerous others in celebrating one of the biggest events of the Bush Adventures calendar for 2016: the Extinction Matters BioBlitz Hobart for Threatened Species Day! Threatened Species Day marks the death of the last known thylacine on the 7th of September, 1936. To celebrate biodiversity on the 80th year since the thylacine’s extinction, you will get the opportunity to join experts around Tasmania looking for new species, cataloguing the local fauna, and join in naturalist walks and talks.
There are plenty of spring activities for the kids too! Flora the Explorer is back for a spring adventure to show her friends the magic world of kunyanyi/Mt Wellington, and have a picnic with the penguins.
Bush kids 5-7 will be jumping like joeys to discover wonderful waterbugs, to build a nest like a bird, or see what they can scavenge in the bush bingo scavenger hunt!
Older bush kids can put their detective skills at work to solve the mystery of CSI: Waterworks, express their creativity with bush drama or take their mark, get and GO for the amazing race!
Download your copy of the Bush Adventures Spring 2016 from the Bush Adventures website.