The blue biotechnology revolution – Clean and green foods and bioproducts from the ocean

Australia’s marine territory is vast, pristine and protected. It harbours the next generation of environmentally responsible resources and products, such as bioplastics made from kelp, complementary medicines made from seaweed, beauty products extracted from fish roe.

The Marine Bioproducts Cooperative Research Centre (MBCRC) and Australian biotechnology company Marinova are dedicated to growing marine resources, developing new processes that utilise those resources and creating new marine bioproducts that are market-ready.


  • John Gunn FTSE (ATSE Chair Tasmanian Division)
  • Dr Justin Coombs (CEO Marine Bioproducts CRC)
  • Prof Catriona Macleod (Interim Executive Director IMAS)
  • Paul Garrott (Managing Director Marinova)


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